Dirty clothes. What do you do with them?
For all your travelers out there: on a long road trip, what do you do with your dirty clothes after a hike, bike ride, just sweaty junk because you don’t have ventilated seats, etc... ? Do you keep them in a sealed bag? Mesh bag? Wash them as you go? Would love to know what you to!
This has been an infrequent ask, so with current priorities, it will not be added at this time.
LazzDivan commented
First we need to say about washing clothes or shoes in the machine. None of us can be sure that such washing will not affect the good condition of our favorite things.
Washing in a special mode can withstand fabric shoes, but hand washing is much safer. Also not quite safe is the use of chemicals - hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, etc. If you decide to do this, test the product on a small and most inconspicuous area of the shoe. That's how I saved my favorite RockRooster work boots https://rockroosterfootwear.com/collections/wedge-sole-boots.
Home methods of dry shoe cleaning - pour small dry substances inside. They absorb not only dirt particles, but also an unpleasant odor. Salt and soda are poured into light shoes, crushed activated carbon is poured into dark shoes, left for several hours and then removed.
DrakeNoize commented
I erase of course, if the stains are not removed, I have to throw them away