Ubuntu Software/Apps library
I have just installed Parallels for Mac. I have Windows 11 and Ubuntu both working and am very happy with the whole set-up. However, I must be missing something. I have a separate Linux desktop with the same version of Ubuntu. On the desktop, there is a library/catalogue to install new apps etc that when selected download and installs, I cannot find it on the Parallels version. How do I find, select and install new programs?
I have tried installing via terminal for example Enpass (a password manager) with...
sudo apt install name of the app
If anyone can give me a pointer or clue on how to start I would be very grateful...
Best wishes all
This has been an infrequent ask, so with current priorities, it will not be added at this time.
smauelking commented
Ubuntu Software isn`t the only program you can use. Have you tried installing alternatives? I`ve Deepin Software Center installed, it's the most convenient for me in terms of visualization. As for Parallels, I uninstalled that program because it worked disgustingly on my Mac, I don't know what the problem might be with my laptop version... I also had trouble installing payroll software. I found an article https://www.creative.onl/payrollindex/cheap-payroll/ about alternative programs, tried to install one of them, but again I had problems on my Mac. I'm thinking of switching to Windows.
Marius Gutu commented
Thanks for the information.