Warn About Unsaved Changes when editing invoices
Several times now I have backspaced while creating an invoice and lost all the items I had entered because it went back to the previous page. It would be nice if there was a warning asking if you want to leave the page with unsaved items.

Becky Ramirez commented
It would be nice to get a warning when moving from a report that is not saved.
Shanae Pugh commented
We have trouble remembering to save the customization for jobs partially because the button is kind of hidden and it would help if it was a different color and because there is no safety it you do leave the page without saving changes. A more clear button and pop up box asking if you are sure you want to leave the page without saving the changes you made would do wonders! I can't tell you how many times my team has organized their jobs columns and then not saved them. If changing the color of that save button is easy we that would be great to be done right away! I understand the pop up box takes a lot more work. Thanks!