Decimal Point Control - More or less decimal points in Quantity
Some of our billing is progressive on the terms of 3 payments broken into 1/3, 1/3, then the balance. If I put .33333333 (since JN doesn't automatically convert the fraction 1/3 to a decimal) in the quantity column and the price of $16500, JN returns a value of $5445.00 which is due to the fact JN takes my .33333333 and shortens it to .33.
$16500 x .33 = $5445
$16500 x .333333333 = $5500
$5445 is $55 short of the $5500 I should be charging on our first bill.
Of course the workaround in the meantime is to enter "1/3 of $16500" in the description and use a quantity of 1 and price of $5500 in the calculating fields.
I do hope JN fixes this for Quickbooks does allow for us to use longer decimals than two placeholders in the quantity field. And only using two decimal places causes rounding error for repeating decimals.

Michael Riter commented
When writing a proposal, the quantity field often gets mistaken for a $ amount. It would be great to have the option to remove the decimal point on the qualtity field.