Automatic contact info update on transferred estimates. From one job to another.
Automatic contact info update.
There has been a few times I have created an estimate in the wrong file/job.
What if... in this scenario... we could share the estimate to the CORRECT file and nimbus could automatically change the contact info and job at the top of the estimate?
The other main reason this could be incredibly powerful... Often times we write estimates that are very similar, so instead of running through the entire template again top to bottom, clicking and removing the items that don't pertain, everything would already be set up and we could just change a few quantities and send off the estimate. This could be helpful with repair estimates too, as sometimes it takes some thought and time to dig through all of our line items. If I know I've written a similar estimate 5 times in past, I could go back to the old file, share the estimate to the new file and boom, change a couple quantities and move on. But of course the key would be for the info at the top of the estimate would have to automatically update itself of course.
Just a suggestion, but I do know it would make my life so much easier and I could get more done.
This has been an infrequent ask, so with current priorities, it will not be added at this time, but will be considered if additional requests are made.