When creating an estimate being able to send an email with the estimate without needing a signature and auto populate to documents tab
Two Ideas for Estimates
1. Being able to send an estimate via email without needing a signature and just the viewing pleasure
2. Having the estimates auto populate into the "Documents" tab of a customer when finished filling out
Chad commented
Completely agree. Some, most, who knows, may not even realize there's a .pdf attachment as well, and when viewing the NSE estimate on a phone screen after clicking the "Review and Sign Here" button/link, it looks terrible. There's a native/built-in "sent for review" email template in the settings which looks to be for this specific purpose, so maybe there's a feature someone hasn't enabled yet which allows this. Another concern is once the NSE estimate is sent, we're unable to edit it (which does make sense), but we should at a minimum be able to view it in a way that shows UOM, Qty's, Pricing, etc. without having to cancel the "signature request" ability, or duplicate the estimate.