Ability to Track/Calculate a Draw Against Commissions
Many company's offer the sales person a draw against commission when the ACV check is collected. Job nimbus currently does not allow the calculation to record or recover that draw when the final commission is paid.

Jeff Brown commented
Please make requested change ASAP
Jeff Brown commented
Really think that, and a way to adjust numbers that if there is not a profit in the job we can show that. Right now it does not allow a negative number.... Not all jobs are a profit.
Or it would be helpful too, that sometimes your salesman may botch something, that we can do charge back. . -
Anonymous commented
I agree, draws are a part of the industry and should have a place in JobNimbus. What I am doing for right now, until we see the feature added, is creating an invoice for each salesman under their "customer file". So if the salesman's name is Jeremy Toubl, search Jeremy Toubl and open that "customer". They have their own section for financials where you can make the invoice. It becomes a running tally of money drawn. When a job is capped/draw re-payed, you just add a payment in the invoice. It doesn't do anything for auto-calculating the commission after draws, but at least you can easily keep track of how much in draws a salesman has out. Hope this helps.
Anonymous commented
I agree, draws are a part of the industry and should have a place in JobNimbus. What I am doing for right now, until we see the feature added, is creating an invoice for each salesman under their "customer file". So if the salesman's name is Jeremy Toubl, search Jeremy Toubl and open that "customer". They have their own section for financials where you can make the invoice. It becomes a running tally of money drawn. When a job is capped/draw re-payed, you just add a payment in the invoice. It doesn't do anything for auto-calculating the commission after draws, but at least you can easily keep track of how much in draws a salesman has out. Hope this helps.
Wallace (Wally) Stine commented
The ability to track commission advances within the commission section of the budget. Commission advances would be deducted from the total commission owed.