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JobNimbus Feedback

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Contacts & Jobs

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129 results found

  1. color subcontractor

    Being able to Color Code Subs or Vendors Just like Team Members.

    This could be done in 2 Ways Either Direct by Vendor or Subcontractor or Alternately by Trade

    Having this ability it allows to look at a calendar and see directly who or what trade is on the job next just as we can with team members. Having a large database of subs and vendors it is an instant flash on the calendars

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  2. Force "Job" creation under "Contact"

    A setting that forces a "Job" creation would be very helpful for us.


    Eliminate the ability to create quotes, invoices and material orders from the "Contact" forcing everything to be done through a "Job"

    It is so easy to do a bunch of work under the Contact by mistake, with no way to transfer it to the correct job.

    Thank you for considering.

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    2 comments  ·  Jobs  ·  Admin →

    Hello!  We recently launched a set of improvements into Beta that prevent users from being able to add Financials to the Contact, and only allows them to be added onto the Job.  You previously expressed interest in this functionality, so I wanted to reach out to see if you'd be interested in learning more and potentially joining the beta rollout for this functionality.

    Feel free to respond on this email and we can connect to discuss further -- and as always, thank you for your feedback!

  3. Populate address when creating a job on the mobile app

    On the new mobile app, when we create a job under a contact, the contact's address does not populate on the job like it does on the web app. We would like the address to populate instead of having to manually enter it every time we add a job under a contact.

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  4. Margin vs Markup

    Can we get a box to go from Markup % to Margin %? I go off of Margin % but all of the estimates are set up for Markup.

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  5. 1 vote

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  6. name is deleted when you press enter

    PLEASE make it so that when type a name in the search bar and press "enter" it stops deleting the information. This is an extremely frustrating design.

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  7. Filter Jobs with a board to view all jobs or jobs assigned to me.

    Would like to have the ability - if the admin has turned on the ability for users to view all jobs in boards - Give the individual user the ability within boards to show all jobs or just jobs that are assigned to them.

    We have a lot of jobs and employees - We don't want to handicap users by only allowing them to see just jobs assigned to them - there are many times that they need to see all jobs to have an idea of what's going on - but at the same time, it would be good…

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  8. multiple accounts under one customer

    to allow for separate billing addres and multiple project addresses. is this covered under "jobs"?

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  9. the ability to allow us to save an email attachment directly into JobNimbus instead of having to download the doc, then upload to JN

    I want to cut my work in half by saving an attachment from an email directly to JobNimbus. NOT having to create a folder to save a file that comes to me via email, THEN having to get into JobNimbus and go back through “Add Attachment” to find the document in the file I created to store it and upload it to the customer’s efile.

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    Great news. You can actually forward the emails to JobNimbus and they will attach to the contact. Here is a Knowledge Base article about that.

    If you need additional help getting this to work you can contact support at

    If this isn’t what you need, please let us know so we can adjust the ticket.


  10. The ability to override the duplicate contacts feature.

    Some names are common. Sometimes you actually DO have 2 John Smiths who are NOT the same person and therefore not a duplicate contact. The warning is great and all, but I need to enter a 2nd Jessica Roberts.

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  11. Instant news feed and notification

    I wish jobnimbus could notify me when sale reps make changes to a customer, job or created any new task or notes. I cant see what my sale reps are up to. Its not notifying me of status change or notes that have been added, anyway the administrator can get notify of updates and notes without being tag?

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    Along with the Recent Activity feed on the left sidebar in the web app, you can also create an Activity Report in Reports to see all activity in the account for a given date range (and add that to your dashboard for easy viewing) or you can check out the Team Activity Report to see a summary of what each team member is doing.

    If you have further questions, please contact or call 855-964-6287 for assistance.


  12. Customize Cards on Boards

    Would like to be able to customize the information displayed on the cards in boards.

    • Job Number
    • Start Date
    • Company Name
    • Custom Fields
    • Address Line 1
    • City
    • Etc.

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    36 comments  ·  Boards  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Lane Alo responded

    We have completed the first version of customizable cards for boards. Some of the ideas in the comments were not implemented, but can be considered in the future.

    If you have any additional feedback or suggestions, please let me know by replying to this email.

    Thanks and keep the ideas coming!

  13. Add related contacts to work orders including contact information

    Be able to add related contacts to the work order that include name and contact information

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    If you create the Work Order from a Contact, it will use that as the parent record, or “Related Contact”, and if you create it from a Job then it will use that Job instead.

    However, the Work Order is still able to show Contact info from the Related Contact of that Job when that info is set up in the Work Order template.

    For further assistance, contact our support team at 855-964-6287 or

  14. Right Click Cards to Open In New Tab/Window

    Please make a contact inside a board "right click - able"

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    We have added a way to quickly open a Job or Contact in a new tab, straight from the Board view.  On Mac, if you hold "command" and click the card, it will open that Job or Contact in a new tab.  On PC, if you hold "control" and click the card, it will do the same.  Give it a whirl, and feel free to respond with any other feedback!

  15. Ability to Disable the Financial Tab on Contacts

    I generate my estimates at the "Job". Having a "financials" tab at both the Contact level and Job Level causes confusion. I'd like to ability to disable the Financials tab at the Contact Level in order to avoid this confusion.

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    Great news!  We recently launched a new enhancement into a beta rollout.  Those in the beta no longer see the "Financials" tab on the Contact, but only on the "Job".  If you are interested in learning more about this beta functionality, please respond on this email and we'll setup a time to connect.

    Thank you for your feedback!

  16. Ability to delete attachments brought into a job file

    We have noticed that logo's are coming in because users have added image attachments as their signatures, rather than using native HTML signatures. This means that the attachment file in a job is getting filled up.

    Could you give us the option to delete these image attachments brought in by emails as the amount of these are causing great difficulty in seeing the photos you want to find.

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    I just heard from the dev team, looks like we are going to implement a filter for not saving inline images, including those in signatures. This should prevent those images from getting in the way of regular image attachments and should get you all or most of the way there!

  17. a phone number so we can call you

    You use to have a phone number to contact you. Sometimes we just need someone to talk to

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  18. Copy email address over to job

    Bring over the email address and phone number from the contact over to the job...just like you do for the address.

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    You can already see these on the web by clicking the green background around the Related Contact on the Job screen, and from mobile you can call, email, and text the primary contact directly from the Job screen.

  19. This really awesome feature

    It would autopopulate the phone number from Contacts to Jobs. Please!?

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    You can already access the phone number from the contact while on the job:

    Web: Hover your mouse over the green “Related Contact” bubble and click on the green portion to see the phone number there.

    Mobile: Tap the call button in the bottom action bar when on the job page to call the Related Contact phone numbers.

    These should get you everything you need for this feature, but let us know if you need something else!

  20. More Permissions for Boards

    when you click "edit" on a contact board, there should be more options in the "Available to" drop down box, instead of only "just me" or "available to everyone". Include the option for "View Only".

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