Activity should include Automation events, notifications
We have automated notifications that are emailed to our clients. The System created activities should include copies of those emails send out or at least a note that it was done

Elizabeth Sanicola commented
It would be hugely helpful if you could include an activity section for any automations. This would be a super helpful way to ensure:
1. the automation is working as intended
2. help us see how used/useful the automation is or if we should reevaluate.Seeing just a few of the last times the automation was run (5-10) would probably be sufficient along with the dates they ran on (for frequency checks). Thanks!
Anonymous commented
Yes, it'd be very nice for the Activity section to be automatically updated with a Status Change (e.g. "Status changed from BLAH to MORE")
Tia Albertson commented
....currently when an automated activity happens related to a customer or a job, there's no history of the occurrence within JN. Similar to tracking that occurs with status changes, email activity, or attachment uploads, it is critical to view automated history activity.
Hopefully it could just be added to the activity tab feed that displays with a job or contact and have a date & which automated rule happened (as a suggested solution)....THANKS!