Conditional Field for Contacts and Jobs
The Job and Contact pages can be too long, especially with custom fields. It would be great to have conditional fields that only show based on previous selections.
Example: If there is an Insurance Company listed, show insurance fields. If there is no Insurance Company listed hide insurance fields.

Chad commented
We’re running into a problem with the 50 entry limit within an “options/drop down” style custom field. If the 50 entries limit can’t be increased which means more custom fields need created, the feedback/idea posted here could be very helpful, e.g.: if have fields for a specific manufactures style/model, then when choosing that field, a “related” field could be populate with specifics such as color, size, etc. options for that manufacturer. We’re a roofing company, but the application could be helpful across many industries.
Anonymous commented
Yes! And collapsible sections would be an improvement to the layout as well.
Taylor Edwards commented
It would save a lot of space to be able to have custom fields where, if selected, they would open up other custom fields. But if not selected they would be hidden.
Billing Administrator commented
Great idea
Anonymous commented
Create a way for certain contact/job custom fields to populate data based on information that is filled in other fields