Create New Job under existing Customer via Email
Similar to how you can send an email to JobNimbus today to add things to an a job. I would like to be able to include in my subject line something like [Customer#1234,Job#NEW] and a new job be create under that customer. I would need to have a created field template or required sync edit to make sure all my required or unique fields are populated but it would save time when I am getting estimates request or repeat work from the same customer.

Closing out due to age of request, that it was fixed, or that it won't be implemented. Cleaning up our votes to make sure we are focusing on the greatest impact.
Kaya Sawayn commented
Being able to create a new job under an existing customer just by sending an email would save a lot of time, especially when dealing with repeat work or quick estimates. If there was a way to set up a simple email format like [Customer#1234, Job#NEW] and have all the necessary info filled out automatically, it would make things a lot more efficient.
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