Move Estimate from Contact to Job
It would be nice to be able to convert an estimate that was created under the Contact to a Job. The problem I'm having is when i create a contact then add an estimate then if i win the estimate i add a job then the estimate is not under the job. is there away to assign estimates to the job so i can convert in to an invoice under the job?

Keith Kaan commented
Maybe impliment this as a drop down menu (Move To Job). It would be nice to move all financial data (Estimates, invoices, etc) to a job. Also move documents, and photos as well.
Corrine Lombardo commented
even if this isn't a workflow resolution, this would be valuable for when I ACCIDENTALLY create an estimate under the contact instead of the job
Ian Davis commented
This would be absolutely HUGE! SumoQuote won't move estimates into JobNimbus but will move them into Quickbooks. The problem is that Quickbooks pushes estimates to the contact, not the Job. I do all of my projects in Jobs because I have many "contacts" who have multiple jobs attached to them. What would be the point of organizing jobs on various boards if the estimates end up in the Contacts and can't be moved? Even if a copy of the estimate could be placed in the job and still allow the contact to have a running total of all jobs would be fine. If documents in a Contact could be manually copied to a Job that they're attached to, but anything created in a Job is automatically recorded in the Contact. Of course, the best option would be to toggle this feature on and off to maintain more freedom for everyone's various processes.
Jose Lares commented
Please fix this. I need to be able to assign an estimate to a job after it is approved by contact
Chris Richardson commented
For some reason this still hasn't been fixed 5 years later and one of my biggest accounting issues.
Jennifer Harbin commented
Yes please!
Anonymous commented
It would be beneficial to have the ability to transfer documents from one record to another in case you accidentally upload documents to an incorrect record.
Chris Richardson commented
Either this needs to be implemented or you need to make it where we can't make estimates/invoices/documents in parent contact when Jobs are enabled.
Sammy Jo Lee commented
This is definitely a feature that would be very useful and save a lot of time for our company as well.
Mike Swenson commented
Need this!!
Cyril Keating commented
True That! This should be an easy fix! Do it!
Joel Roofing commented
Super annoying that if we accidently create an estimate in contacts instead of jobs that we can't simply just go to the estimate, edit it, and re-label the estimate for the job instead. This also goes for pictures, etc.
Sean Bean commented
If you create an estimate under a contact instead of a job, I need a way to reassign it to the job under the contact. Because the estimates do not show up on the mobile side under the job if the estimate is under the contact.
Also, if an estimate is created under a different contact, I would like to be able duplicate it or move it to another contact without recreating the estimate. There are times when the format is not recurring to make sense of making hundreds of templates.
Anonymous commented
At present, when we have to move a note, we have to cut and paste it elsewhere and delete the one in the wrong place. It would be nice if we could click the Elipsis on the note and have an option to move it to the Related Contact or Related Job.
Nicole Springer commented
I would be nice if we could move multiple attachments from job to job without having to download them all and re-upload them on the correct job.
Niko Staff commented
We would love the ability to add or modify where an estimate is assigned.
For example: We created an estimate under job title 123 Easy St. However, we actually meant to create it under 456 Sample St. Currently, there is no way to re-assign the existing estimate with the correct material counts from 123 Easy St. to 456 Sample St.
If there was a way to re-assign what job/contact is associated with an estimate, that would be amazing! Currently our sales reps have to re-create an estimate when this happens.It would also be beneficial if we could add a previously created estimate to another contact/job. We often bid on the same project through multiple general contractors. It would be nice if we could just copy and paste or add another contact to an existing estimate rather than recreating it each time!
Brian Davis commented
would be nice if you can edit a work order to add a "job". If a work order is created under a "contact" but it should have been created under a "job" is there a way to add the "job" to it?
We sometimes decide to create a new job for someone, and need to transfer emails & documents to the new file for new work to be done. It would be so much easier to forward emails between jobs, than to delete emails & upload again.
Office Group commented
When I first started invoicing customers, I didn't realize how important it would be to create their invoices after I had created the job I was invoicing, and that I needed to be IN that job when I hit "Add Invoice" or it would be impossible to assign that invoice to that job.
So those invoices and all the old ones that imported from QuickBooks, can't be assigned to specific jobs, rather than the parent contact...and it would be really beneficial to be able to do that now (without going through and re-creating each and every invoice in order to have it related to those jobs). On top of this, there are some other reasons this would be handy to be able to do as well. -
JKing commented
I'd like the ability to make attachments related to a specific job. Sometimes photos and attachments get uploaded to the contact instead of the job. There should be an option to click on those attachments under the contact and have it point to the specific job I'd like to see those attachments/photos under. Instead of the current option of clicking 'related'.. Which shows me all attachments from the contact and any other jobs that contact has.