Misty Flannery
My feedback
6 results found
195 votes
Misty Flannery supported this idea ·
139 votes
You can use Email Templates to add signatures for each user when sending emails from either the Add Note feature or when sending automated emails.
Direct email signatures per user from their profile is still on our development list but this is a great workaround in the meantime.
Misty Flannery supported this idea ·
41 votes
Misty Flannery supported this idea ·
44 votes
172 votes
Good news! We are planning to improve this functionality in an upcoming release. Phone numbers (and other contact information) from the related Contacts will be displayed prominently on the Job view screen. This will mean you no longer have to click into the Contact from the Job to find the phone number or email address.
We expect this update to release in the next 30 days.
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Misty Flannery commented
It would be a huge time saver in the office if we could see the phone number and email within the job screen. Currently we have to click back and forth which results in lost productivity and some notes getting put in contact files instead of in the specific job.
Misty Flannery supported this idea ·
37 votes
Misty Flannery shared this idea ·
It would save my office literally multiple hours every single week if you could have Contact name, email, phone numbers auto populate into the job. Currently we have to do this manually which is costing us hours in lost productivity every single year.