Time-Based Automation (Delays, Conditions)
I wish I could trigger status changes, notifications, or tasks based on time.
Example 1: if no activity within "x" time, an email or task would be triggered.
Example 2: if a note/activity occurs between "x" and "y" times (say 7:00-9:00 am or between 11:00 pm - 5:00 am) an email or task would be triggered.
Example 3: If no activity/status change after "x" days, change status. Or if Days in Status exceeds "x", then change status or perform other action.

This feature is now completed. Thank you for helping us know what wanted. You can find more information about about time-based automations in the knowledge base here https://support.jobnimbus.com/hc/en-us/articles/360024907171-Time-Based-Automations.
If you have any questions about this feature contact support@jobnimbus.com or reply to this email.
Thanks again,
Dave Jones commented
122 votes. Can Jobnimbus please comment on when this "Time Based Automation" based on days in status will be implemented. We can see they have marked it as planned, but I cannot see where any comments have been added showing us when this might become a reality.
Steve Kauffman commented
When is this coming?
Jonn Gleave commented
Please, Please, Please make this one a priority.
In the meantime, I would like to propose a more simple approach that would require less effort for the JobNimbus developers and possibly provide us a more immediate workaround until the full functionality of this can be done. Please add a field titled: "Days in Status" that can be queried in Zapier. We can build automation around that framework for now. Thoughts?
Paul Lewis commented
Really guys? 108 votes and nothing but crickets from the dev team.
Anonymous commented
Almost 100 votes! I think this automation feature should receive some attention from development.
We would absolutely love to see this incorporated in JN.
Even farmville has timers. If you don't cultivate your crops the color changes and they die.
Mike S commented
Create a task or e-mail reminder XX days before a scheduled appointment.
Cheri Williams commented
I have already spoken to Tristan at JobNimbus support and he told me that yes while that feature is there to create, it isn't a feature that works at this time.
Cheri Williams commented
Automation Task that when you schedule for it to go out at a certain time i.e 24 hours after lead is entered.. that it would go out at 24 hours not go out immediately. We have set up Automation for these, and they go out to the sales rep or office staff as soon as it is set up instead of in the time frame it was created to go out.
Paul Lewis commented
Any update on this one?
Nathan Offenbacher commented
Change the status of workorder based on specific condition. Ex. When start date is = to current day, change status from scheduled to in progress asa well as automation send an email or task
Nathan Offenbacher commented
The ability to create automated emails that are based around the parameters of start and/or end date in workorder. A confirmation email or reminder before set start date or email notification set for specific time after said completed date. Uses are endless. Same with task. Simply add a action time selection that triggers either task or email based on start and end date of workorder
Laurence Rissler commented
yes please add this feature! It would seem like a simple feature to add on.
Jay McDaniel commented
I am a new JobNimbus user and was shocked to find this functionality missing in the automation feature.
floridalicensedcgc.com commented
IF Sales Rep = John Smith
IF Days in Status = 10 Days
CREATE TaskWhy is something this simple still not available?
Shelby Gerhardt commented
Here you can suggest that we can use the current 'day's in status count' as a reference to create an automation to change the status(contact) so we can also set an automation to be notified that they need to be reached out to.
Stacie Feller commented
Is there any movement on this to be done?
Anonymous commented
If a workflow has not changed within a certain time frame(10 days), remind sales rep to follow up with customer.
Eric Broome commented
This is actually a great idea, even if it is just something that is set up in the options, instead of Automation.
Branden Lee commented
This is definitely a must have!
Jonn Gleave commented
This is much needed. Please support and integrate. Timed emails based on triggers are integral to our process and automation of this would be very appreciated.