Action for 'Change Job Status' in Automation (Estimate, etc)
It has not been that long that JN added the ability to automate changing a contact's status through setting up a rule, but when will JN add this feature for jobs?
I'd like to be able create an automated task for my job boards to have my job change status.
I'd like to see the conditions added:
* status change condition - so when a status is changed on one board, then the rule would change status again which would move job to next board
* task completion - upon a certain task being completed, the job's status would be changed.

Eric Broome commented
I agree with Jason, but not just estimates. Open it for all documents, that way we can have it change statuses when certain documents are created.
Restoration contractors might want one for a Certificate of Completion (I do).
Others might have different invoice templates for 30/60/90 days, and want a different status for each phase of accounts receivable.
Some may need a status for punchlist tasks or workorders.
Allen Friedman commented
I can't believe that this still hasn't been acted upon. I can automate workorders but not Job status? This is killing the value of JN for anyone that handles multiple jobs for a single contact (homeowners assns, commercial real estate owners, etc.).
Allen Friedman commented
Any sophisticated user of JN is using the Jobs feature. If you are doing any kind of commercial work, you frequently have multiple jobs for the same customer. The Status boards are a crucial part of Job Nimbus and it is both surprising and disappointing that this feature does not exist.
G commented
Automation rules for estimates to set Job status
Sherri Simms commented
I am surprised by all we can do with automation with practically everything from activity to payments, but not this still. The fact this has not been implemented yet is really holding us back. We can create an automation to change the contact's status when a job is modified/created but can't yet change the job's status when a job has been modified or created.
Without this feature, we have to manually move items from one board to another board to make them not appear on two boards at one time. This also means we have extra lists that need to be displayed on the incoming board to account for this move. This is extra information to sort through when trying to view the bigger picture. Please add this feature ASAP! Thanks!
Jason Spicer commented
To able to change a job status to estimate sent or waiting approval when an estimate is sent. There are no automation rules for estimates.