Email Notifications within JobNimbus
JobNimbus is so great at handling emails to customers and their replies, that I'd love to bypass our own email service entirely. Going along with the ability to reply directly (as per another thread), it'd be great if there was a way to choose where you want to see emails.
One method might be that emails replied to and sent back to JN would show up like a task (or perhaps have their own Dashboard area) that could be customized (customer, job, subject, attachment icon, date/time, reply, assign (to another JN user) etc.
This could make managing the email funnel a lot less cumbersome! Thanks.

Larry Kosoy commented
Each employee in our company constantly receives tons of emails from Job Nimbus.
When a client responds to an email in job nimbus, we are supposed to get the notification to our emails; however, it is very easy for those emails to get lost. Also, depending on who the contact is assigned to, the correct person won't receive the email. If we can have a notification inside Job Nimbus let us know when a client has responded, it would help tremendously. I've tried to automate a task for when someone replies to an email, but that too doesn't work all the time either. -
Adam Hoyt commented
I'd settle for simply a little numbered notification button, just like an email inbox counter, indicating "you have 3 new messages in JobNimbus." Is that possible?