Ability to type personal message when emailing invoices
When we email an invoice through jobnimbus and the box pops up it does not give us the ability to type a personal message and send it. It only gives us the option to use a template email. Our team would like the ability to type a small personal message per customer.
Jacob Smola commented
Amber Sonoran Waters commented
Or how do we edit the Default email that is already created for sending invoices/estimates? With the ability to add short codes like the other email templates? It's not in the Settings that I can see....
Glenn Christensen commented
I 100% agree with this. At the very least it would be nice to be able to change it to something more personal sounding even if everyone had to use the same message. As the email appears now you are sending an minimal email that includes an attachment and a link from a strange looking email address. I'm sure many people would view it as spam.