Select any email contact from list
Please, please, please, give us the ability to select from all of our contacts when sending an email. It seems ridiculous to me that this isn't an option.
Dustin Pitney commented
I brought this up at the last Crew Summit. Even the assigned sub-contractor doesn't pull up when I go to send an email.
A super helpful thing another CRM did was allow any email in our contacts to be searched for so we don't have to copy/paste. We used this a lot when it came to insurance carriers so we could put their info in as a contact and pull it up on any job with that carrier.
kyle reid commented
Each user should have an inbox of communication emails notifications any communication with our customers so that we see that and can address that immediately. Should not have to go into customer each individual to check for email or communication.
Corrine Lombardo commented
This is SO necessary! when I need to copy paste something, it changes the font type & size, and I have no way of editing them to look consistent without a third party tool. Really crazy that the entire formatting options aren't available here
Caleb Wagner commented
Please give us the ability to select from all contacts when sending an email.
Caleb Wagner commented
Dear lord please give us the ability to select from all of our contacts when sending an email. Others have also been asking for this and other email updates. Please help us with this.