Allow CC and BCC fields in emails
CC & BCC fields are a must.
In any email format, the team members' and subcontractors' email addresses to be available as an option.
Or, a contact list so we just need to click the recipients instead of typing the address in every single email.
As of now, in the job section, only the listed primary email, sales rep, assigned and related contact available.
We communicate regularly with vendor reps, subcontractors, and team members as admin and project managers.

E-Z Roofing and Construction, LLC commented
CC & BCC are basic features of emailing… a necessity. Why it’s offered on mobile, but not desktop (where office staff who aren’t in the field use it most) is beyond me. And what’s more is that even with all these votes and requests and comments, they still are not listening to the users and haven’t fixed this issue!
Anonymous commented
This feature was requested and voted on years ago, yet we are still waiting for its implementation. It is a fundamental functionality that would greatly improve efficiency.
Jacob Lewis commented
Not having this feature is creating extra steps when emailing our suppliers as we email multiple people in the same supply warehouse and they need to be in the same email thread to confirm receipt and process the order.
Laura DePaul commented
Why isn't this an option on desktop? This is really frustrating. It's a basic feature of email.
Brenda commented
It is allowed on app, but for some reason not on web.
Austin commented
Our only workaround to this has been to email our vendor reps by clicking the 3 dots in the documents or financials tab to email directly. Here our vendor reps are saved but not our subs. Would be nice to have access to any contact type list to CC or BCC
E-Z Roofing and Construction, LLC commented
Nadia Chavez commented
When can we have cc & bcc features in an email. They should be default features in all correspondence. Thank you.
Logan Gasparotto commented
It would be helpful to be able to BCC or CC others when sending a email to a customer.
Anonymous commented
When sending an email via Jobnimbus - you cant BCC.
Sometimes when I send an email to a customer, I want to BCC someone else as I dont want the customer to see everyone that received this email. -
Jim Tafoya commented
It would be nice to be able to personalize an email when sending out of JN.
Mr. Smith, it was great meeting you. Thank you for your time. Your itemized estimate is attached.
JKing commented
Have to agree with Anon below me, kind of absurd that all these requests we've suggested that have high votes have yet to be implemented. Most these items have been requested years ago, but here we are in 2018 and still waiting.. I know y'all read these, so tell us, what is taking so long? We'd like answers, we'd like to be kept in the loop as to what is being worked on to better improve our user experience.
Diana Yera commented
Another one with high votes and that was received in 2015 and yet nothing has been started. What is going on that it seems that seemingly easy and critical things arent being addressed?!
Danny Manning commented
We would like to be able to sync with Microsoft Exchange.
Charlie Wessel commented
When sending an email we should certainly be able to add or cc email addresses of whomever to the email we are sending with out the invoice or estimate on it.
Mathew Mulholland commented
Allow us to select a related contact in email under a Blind Carbon Copy. Possibly just a check box next to the contact we are selecting.
Anonymous commented
CC on an email when sent out of NImbus. As the moment you can send to more than one individual but not cc. This would be useful as you can copy in customers, insurance adjusters, property managers, and more on email correspondence about a claim inside JN.