We are a 42 yr Roofing Company out of Portland, OR.
We've used Acculynx for the last 9 years and are finally switching!
I am currently integrating and setting up our business in Job Nimbus.
Products & Services (Material & Labor Items):
Love how I can sync a CSV file or Google Sheet to QBO, and again sync QBO to Job Nimbus to continuously populate new pricing. This is huge with how crazy our industry has felt the burden of constant price increases from our suppliers.
My main roofing supplier sends me a material spreadsheet with 5k line items with new prices and I use a formula to v-lookup the unique item #'s that are pertinent to our business and populate those specific items to our CSV master price file. Amazing.
This was all great....until I JUST found out that ESTIMATE TEMPLATES DO NOT SYNC WITH PRODUCTS & SERVICES IN JOB NIMBUS!! This is a MASSIVE PROBLEM guys!!! THE QBO/JN Sync is what SOLD US on switching from Acculynx.
It means nothing if I still need to go line by line in EACH & EVERY estimate template to make just makes no sense!
ACCULYNX DOES UPDATE TEMPLATES: If I change a price in one template, all other templates with the same line item also update as well as the master company library (JN products & services equiv.).
I can also update the price in the Acculynx master company library and all templates sync to it. It goes both ways.
Plywood pricing changes every week! I update 4 plywood sizes every Monday in Acculynx.
I perform this task within one of the estimate templates and all other templates and the master update to that new price.
I feel like I am in a worse situation with Job Nimbus now when it comes to updating pricing where originally I was anticipating the opposite. I only needed to update the system once per item in Acculynx. I don't have the initial sync like JN, but its still only once.
With Job Nimbus, once I sync new pricing from QBO, I have to then go update every single template?
If I have 6 templates, I'll have to do this 6 separate times for every and every product?
Not Good.
This is a BIG ISSUE and NEEDS TO BE PRIORITIZED! Est. Templates NEED to sync with Products & Services Master.
Our whole goal of switching to Job Nimbus was to save time & streamline processes. Especially with price updates.
But from how I see it, I've just created more work than I had before.
If anyone knows of a workaround for this issue, it would be greatly appreciated.
Chad commented
Obviously this is an old Post, but I'm curious if the Poster Brent Robinson is still using JobNimbus, and if so what his thoughts are on NSE. If you get a notificaton of this comment on your Post, please respond with a comment as well. It's great that Products & Services now communicate with the NSE estimates, but also wondering if you ever found a workaround for the ability to import, export product items, etc?
Matthew Arvin commented
The smart estimates are cool, but that only fixes the issue for estimates - nothing auto up dates, what about material orders?
Brent Robinson commented
Anyone else sign up to the beta user group?
I have but no response yet.
I'm ready when you are beta team. -
Brent Robinson commented
Responding to my own comment -
Ryan Quackenbush (admin, Job Nimbus)
"Hi everyone! We're very excited about a new estimating tool we've developed--Smart Estimates that will solve this problem of template pricing becoming outdated.
In addition to always taking the current pricing from your products and services, Smart Estimates allows a user to create an estimate by simply inputting job measurements (either your own measurements or from an EagleView report--coming soon) and having the materials calculations done for you based on the template you set up. If you're interested in being part of our beta user group, please sign up asap at this link to another post also requesting Auto-Update Estimate Templates (