Email, Print, or PDF for Budget
Currently there is no option to email, print or pdf a job budget which is very beneficial in forwarding to your salesforce. The work around is a printscreen which unfortunately captures everything on the screen and is not very professional. We have a Snag It program that we can use to capture just the budget flow to make things better but it would really save time if the program has this option automatically.

Chris Richardson commented
We are in the same boat. We select all and print. It gets the job done
Angie Hastings commented
We REALLY need to be able to print budgets. We have to snip and paste every single time. Adding an option to print should be really easy. Please update this.
Jason Bisch commented
This is now beyond frustrating. Every time there is an "update" to the app I go to see if this has been implemented only to be disappointed again. Why is this still not done? It's 2019 folks. This idea was introduced in 2015. The functionality is there for all other functions on the Financials tab. How hard is this?
Julie commented
Please add a button that you can either print, download pdf file from the budget reports. We use these everyday and the way they print now is not very professional. Please consider adding this as soon as possibl
Jason Bisch commented
Low hanging fruit here, gang. Any chance this will be implemented soon?
Anonymous commented
Any update... this is one of the frustrating part of JN. Should be a simple fix to implement a print option.
Jason Bisch commented
Is there any update on this?
Jason Bisch commented
From a printing and format perspective it should work just like the estimate sheet. Estimate for your customers, budget for your sales reps.
Guy Shipman commented
It would be very useful if we could print out a budget.
Jonathon Broce commented
Want to print budget sheet while in the budget page to give to salesman that shows total costs of project