When configured to use jobs, limit what entities can be attached to a customer
We need the option to disallow creating, financials, attachments, etc when JobNimbus is configured to use Jobs.
When a customer record is selected, it should only show the list of jobs related to the customer and have the ability to create a new job.
We often have salesmen attach documents and financial info the the customer record instead of the appropriate Job. You can't move them, so it is delete and redo.
Eric Mayo commented
We use Jobs but people continue to leave notes and other info under the Contact. As admin can I deactivate those options so notes and attachments can only be added to jobs.
Devin Kempfer commented
I can't tell you how many times I have done just this! Could not agree more. Being able to limit the functionality of certain pages would help a lot! Especially when it just makes it easier to keep track of everything.
Jacob Sinclair commented
This would make the system a whole lot better, as I feel to much time is spent moving things over to the Job file where they were supposed to go in the first place, as its easy to get the customer file and job file mixed up when in a hurry.
Dave Vaughn commented
I couldn't agree more! I love being able to create more than one job inside of a contact, but the pages look too much alike and our people get in a hurry and end up putting things in the wrong places and it creates confusion. I agree that limiting or removing attachments and financials, etc from the contact page would be a big help. If not that, maybe make the contact and job screens different colors or something that sets them apart more.