Sync Budgets/Job Costs With Quickbook
So all appropriate parties could see actual current expenses to compare to their job budgets.

Mitch Husnik commented
This topic is just the "tip of the iceberg"... It would be tremendously helpful if we could easily know our costs on the front end of every project and everything is syncd; and working together. EG: A proposed scope of work turns into a material order, work order, estimate in QB, Goes on the WIP report in QB. We would really like to know where we will be cash flow wise at least 1 month in advance to start with then at least 1 quarter in advance. There are so many things that we have to perform outside of JN and QB because they don't connect together well. We do currently use JN for invoices because they don't sync with classes and divisions. Thus, insights is useless to us. There was one comment that I did not agree with on here regarding letting everyone see the financial condition. I do not believe that every employee should have the ability to understand that a 58% profit margin on one job does not necessarily mean a windfall for the company when all other factors aren't considered or included such as the cost per acquisition. The focus of the sales reps should be getting every sale and the next sale. Admin should be in charge of numbers. If the sales rep. sells the job at the wrong financial number, then management did not likely provide the correct information or training. Lastly, I do not want another 3000+ products and services added to my QB. I do want to be able to easily order materials from a vendor but there has to be way to turn off that connection.
Levi Cavender commented
This feature is desperately needed. We made the switch from AccuLynx to JobNimbus as it better suited our needs in most areas. I have few complaints about the functionality of JN but the lack of expense syncing with QB is a serious headache. This should absolutely accompany the release of the Profit Tracker. As is apparent from the numerous other companies that have requested this feature, many roofing companies simply need to compare actual revenue with actual job costs in order to run commissions and provide transparency for their sales reps.
The only solution for this is double entry between QB and JN. It is a serious headache and drain on time and resources. As much as I hate to compare the two, I can run a commission split in 5 minutes inside of AccuLynx while it takes me 10-15 minutes with multiple windows open to do the same thing in JN.
All I, and I assume many others, need is for the actual costs entered in QBO to sync to JN somewhere so that I can compare that against actual revenue. If this would be considered for a future release, it would be much appreciated.
My Contacts De La Cruz commented
For budgets, it would be great to be able to have them sync to Quickbooks for commission payments purposes .
Nichole Clinger commented
We desperately need this so that the PM's can monitor job costs in real time and see job percentages without having to have access to my quickbooks. We almost switched to a different program just because of this.
Chris McCourt commented
Concerning that this is still an issue. As a new user to JN but who has worked in various types of software, It feels like an Actuals section for job cost tracking should exist already. It could be a simple section under budgets. Currently I have a custom field to capture this info on the Job info card, but its just a workaround for something that should exist already. Personally, I don't need it to sync to QB. Im quite fine with manually typing in the rolling costs on a weekly basis. Part of the issue why I think QB Sync for actuals could fail is that the devs would have to work on QBs Desktop Sync and then Quickbooks Online. Two different animals because of the way intuit segregates out its software by tiers.
Chris Richardson commented
I have an entire job for this just to add budgets and would love to have her do other things.
Eric Broome commented
This is HUGE!!!
Eric Broome commented
This is also a subject at:
I have heard for 2 years that this is possible, but "not a priority." As of today, there are at least 51 companies using JobNimbus that want this to happen.
Justin Kahmann commented
I have reps that want to view their job costs all the time, and this is an incredibly useful feature in Acculynx that JobNimbus is missing. Being able to look at a Job costs tab would be awesome!
Job Costing between QBO & JN.
RC @ One Stop commented
Our business desperately needs this feature also. 90% of our jobs are done by subcontrators. We enter the costs in our work orders, but cost info is not pushed to QBO. This requires us to double enter this info (we must have this info in QBO so we can issue 1099s). Double entering is one more opportunity to introduce errors and confusion.
Joe Mullins commented
This would be a huge addition.
Chad Cash commented
Very important for companies that run sales reps that are on a profit split system. Every purchase needs tracked and requires the jobs feature in QBO. This would remove the need for a sub-customer in my opinion and make things less confusing while in QBO. Currently We have job expenses under the "jobs" and the invoicing/income under the sub customer. Makes it all difficult to navigate.
Thank you -
Robbie Thomae commented
100% Agree. The sync is already established between QB and JN so why not map a new set of fields in the financial tab of each contact/job called "Job Costs" or "COGS" that sync directly into JN. This has several advantages.
1. From a sales representative perspective, it allows for full transparency of their actual job margins and commission payouts.
2. From a production manager perspective, (this assumes that most production managers do not have access to their companies QB account since that is typically reserved for owners and bookkeepers) it allows for a more complete analysis of the job and ability to more efficiently discover and address inconsistencies.
3. From an economy of motion perspective, it simply reduces the amount of work required to make a meaningful comparison between budget vs. actual because these job costs would no longer have to be manually entered. -
Anonymous commented
I agree. This is a big deal and several other job softwares handle this beautifully so it is doable. You can't figure accurate commissions without actual job expenses. Thank you.
Josef Handwerker commented
1. When i Synced with QBO, customers that had estimates, invoices & paid invoices came along with the contact info, however, the status in job nimbus didn't change. So now we have to back track and change statuses on all past contacts.
2. When I Make an estimate or invoice in QBO, I write up the job in a description box..then I'll write a new line under my PRODUCT with a 1 QTY and a total price..Problem is when the program synced to Job nimbus, only the Line with qty & Price syncs..leaving us with an inclomplete estimate/invoice
3.The way we account for Job costing is the way most people in our industry do it. We dont enter a PO or WO, we just enter the bill after the fact & run a report in QBO.
So what we will do is enter a billable expense in QBO & it will show up on the report against the invoice ( we wont invoice off the billable expense, we make it billable or else it wont show up on the report, one of the problems with qbo) When we imported & synced QBO, no billable expense shows up in the contact.
What would be great is if the billable expense would show up in job costing & the bill will also sync with QBO so we can enter bills for customers in Job nimbus or vise versa.