Disable Auto-Emails to Assigned Subcontractors
When a sub-contractor is assigned to a job, task, or work order, JobNimbus automatically sends an email out to the assigned sub.
It would be much better if there was an option to disable the auto-email and choose when/if to send an email to the sub-contractor.

You can now disable the automatic emails that are sent to subcontractors when assigning them to a contact or job. To do this:
1. Go to your name at the top right and choose “Settings” from the menu.
2. Head to the Contact Workflows tab.
3. For your subcontractor workflows, use the ••• to choose "Notification Preferences.
4. Uncheck any of the items that you no longer wish to automatically send to your subs in this type.
5. Click “Save”
If you have further questions, please contact support@jobnimbus.com or call 855-964-6287.
Office Group commented
Yeah that doesn't work when DO want them to get an automated email along with the sales rep.
Anonymous commented
Yes! Disable this feature. I've had to create two contacts for each Sub - one with no email address so they don't get automatic notifications but I can still assign to the job for calendaring purposes (among other things), and a second with their email so I can assign them as a related contact and email them pictures, contracts, etc. from within the Job. There has to be a simpler work around.
Roxanne Agur commented
This is a def must! I didn't even realize it was notifying contractors when I was adding them or changing schedules around. Created much confusion. Giving a sub a job should be a very intentional, clear action, like "Invite Sub" with option to add work order and any docs or photos related to job. All in one action.
Tia Albertson commented
I'd like to suggest adding a pop.up box that appears once the Work Order has been saved (and the subcontractor's name is put in the "Assigned To" field). The pop.up would be a Yes/No inquiry asking "Would you like to email this Assigned work order now?"SUGGESTION OPTION #2
Or to have a check/balance in the data entry process, that when a Work Order is not in the status of "Assigned", and a Subcontractor's name is input into the "Assigned To" field - that the email isn't sent until the status is changed. -
Emma Boddy commented
To avoid this situation I've had to make all my contractors have my email address. (I added a custom field to log their email address for the file) so I get all the notifications and then I forward them the work order from there. It would be a lot easier to just turn that notification off!
Heather Kamentz commented
Subcontractors are telling me that they get a notification every time I create a work order or make a change to a work order. This is cluttering their email and taking away from the actual important things I want them to see.
Dave Jones commented
We do not have our subs as users in jobnimbus (this is another subject for another post). When we create a work order and assign to a subcontractor, the Jobnimbus system automatically sends them an email that tells them they have a work order and to click on the link but because they are not users, they can't do anything with this email. It would be great if the system would just attached the PDF work order to this automated email. Then our subcontractor could click if they were a user but if not they would still have the attachment to the email.
We have to send them a second email that contains the attachment of the work order. So now the very low techie subcontractor is getting very confused thinking they have two work orders assigned to them when in reality they have one garbage email that only serves to confuse them followed by another email that we have to send them with the attachment. I would think an easy fix is to just have the automated email include the attachment. This solves my problem and prevents us from having to take more steps to send out the work order (defeating the purpose of automation).
Anonymous commented
Is there a way to stop JN from sending an email when a sub been assigned to a work order - and keep the email address in the contact? If/When I want them to know about the work order, I will send the whole thing.