User Groups/Departments (Assign to Group, @Mentions, Permissions, etc)
I would LOVE a feature allowing assignment of tasks to a Group, rather than individuals. Also, the ability to sort/filter tasks by Group (in Dashboard, preferably) would make our lives complete. :) Thank you!
Not enough community interest.
Liam Morgan commented
We have several crews of 4 individuals. We would like to create a calendar entry that includes those individuals and call it something like, "Crew 1", "Crew 2", etc. so everyone knows what job they are going to, and how long it is going to take. We would also like those calendar entries support real-time Gantt chart features, like enforcing timeline adjustments to successive jobs, so that we don't double-book anyone or any team.
Heather Sutcliffe commented
A feature on jobnimbus that allows me to link users to one account. Our production team consists of three people, all of which have their own accounts. I was hoping we could have a “master” account that can link these three accounts. I want this so that way I can do @production in the notes and it be linked and notified to all the production team users instead of needing to @ each one individually.
Michael Deveraux commented
When trying to assign a task to multiple people, rather then having to assign it to each person individually, having the ability to assign it to a designated "Group" that I have created.
Sherri Simms commented
I wish JN had the ability to categorize user by department(s) so when users wanted to notify someone they also could choose to notify a department instead of having to select each name individually.
I pluralized department because sometimes you may want one of your users to appear in more than one department, especially if they are part of the administration.
Departments could also help with reporting and boards: filtering by department on reports or choosing to create a board/report viewable by all users within a department.
Currently, we can select ourselves, team members, or admin on boards and reports. This is limiting because sometimes we need don't need all team members to access the information. Also, admin on JN refers to those who have administrative access to JN; however not all of our admin in our company are technically inclined enough to grant JN admin access, so there is definitely a difference between how the term admin is used/needed. This "admin" issue may be considered a separate issue, but implementing departments could fix this as well.
Michael Robb commented
Groups should be included in the assign to field as a option. This allows you to manage the groups and you don't need to hard assign items to names. If positions change you don't need to change all the automation and workflows you can just change the names in the group.
Stormy Miller commented
When assigning tasks etc., have an "Assign Group" feature that automatically goes to everyone in that specific group. Rather than having to manually enter all the names individually each time to assign a task(s).
Audrey Parnell commented
I would love the ability to assign a group rather than individuals to a meeting/task without the ability for anyone in that assigned group to move it to another date collectively. When creating meetings now I have to assign each person to the meeting. When on their ipads, anyone can move that meeting by mistake, thus moving the entire group. Same for static company events.
Shanae Pugh commented
We would like to be able to create a group and instead of typing their individual names into each task we share, just type the group name and it adds everyone to the task. Thanks!