@mentions have a "Like" or "Seen" function
I'd really like to have a "like," "seen," or "thumbs up" feature available for when a person is tagged/@mentioned in a note. This way when I @mention them in the note, I don't have to verbally follow up with them to ensure they saw my @mention.

Carol Walker commented
It would also be great to eliminate the verbiage that is automatically sent in an email when someone just replies with a thank you! :-)
Ashley Smith commented
We still desperately need this! I would save so much time and frustration! Right now with not having this, my team either calls each other and asks hey did you see my note, or hey i saw your note - waste of time. Or they post another comment to acknowledge the comment which just puts more junk in the activity to sift through.
Ben Crumbliss commented
Clearing out @mentions would be a hugely helpful way to organize my day. Thanks for hearing our feedback!
Connie Senft commented
Great tips. But there is one problem. What if the pest is my cat? Perhaps I was lucky with the location of the house. Or I'm such a cool host that cockroaches have no chance to enter my home. But my cat eats all my plants, I don't know how to deal with it! A cat should come first in any existing list of pests in the garden https://www.pestsbanned.com/ . How many flowers he ate, you can't even imagine. Cats don't like citrus, it's true, but even a lemon peel next to a flower pot won't last his attack.
Ashley Smith commented
A lot of times my team will tag each other in notes and it would be nice if there was a "like" or "acknowledge" button for each note so the poster could know that the person tagged saw it and read it.
Jay Akin commented
That would be great for accountability as well, I love this