24 results found
Labor Cost in addition to Job Cost on work order
On work orders, when editing it breaks out labor costs as well as material cost, but when you save it it lumps it all together and you cannot see them separately without going back into edit the work order. It would be very nice for us to be able to save the work order with just labor cost on it, so we can send our subcontractors out into the field with a pay sheet, so they know what the pay is (based on the products and services labor cost) on the job before work has started.
1 vote -
11 votes
Auto assign sales rep to new work orders
Ability to make new work orders auto assign to the sales rep rather than the assignee. Our leads come from SalesRabbit and only assign the sales rep. This causes confusion when someone else makes the work order and it doesn't auto assign the sales rep to the work order
3 votes -
3 votes
2 votes
Sort Subcontractor List
I would like to be able to sort the subcontractor list on the work order page.
2 votes -
Work Order Attachment
The ability to attach photos to a work order before it goes out to the installer.
3 votes -
Change Work Order Default Email Template
When emailing a work order directly from within the work order there is a "default" email or you can select a previously created email template. Would like to choose what that default email template is.
3 votes -
With every "Section" (Invoices, Estimates, Payments) there is a column showing the amount of each document. That is except for Work Orders. When contractors are doing large-scale jobs and have to bill them, they are required to show what they have paid each sub-contractor. As of now, anyone using JN has to either click on each one individually in the work order section, or go to documents and filter, and click on each one. We cant even create a report (in reports) that shows amounts as the column is not available in the "Add Column" section. This should be very…
9 votes -
Have custom work order fields "required" be more customizable
I want to have custom work order fields be required for some of my work order types and some required for other types of work orders. Currently, if you mark one field "required" it's for all work order types. It would be great to see some customization.
2 votes -
Work Order Options
Currently on work orders when your starting a new one, the date is automatically selected. Logo would like the option to turn this off. They would also like to be able to have their "saved work order" be able to correlate with the "type" when they select it.
4 votes -
Amount Option on Work Order Template
Work order template amount option would be amazing our crews always ask for it. Please Please add this option like you have in estimates to where each line item can total out. Thank you
9 votes -
Checkbox for Completing Work Orders
It would be very helpful to have a quick way to mark Work Orders completed, instead of "3 dots, Change Status, darn my mouse went too far...start over. 3 dots, darn...start over... 3 dots, gonna get it this time, Change Status, Completed. Wait until it processes. Move to the next one..."
If we could check a box, like Tasks, that would be great. Yes, I know, Tasks are simpler and Work Orders are more complicated, but in the settings when we go through the Workflow options, we could just have an option for which status the check box corresponds to.…
5 votes -
Add multiple templates within one Work Order - Sections
I would like to add more than one saved template to the work order from the drop down template menu. this would allow us to compound the templates together on the work orders and build them faster.
2 votes -
Show which document is related when converting
Would like to see the Work Orders reference which estimate they were converted from for instances where there are multiple estimates and multiple work orders
4 votes -
Add an option to show line totals on work orders
Add an option to show line totals on work orders
7 votes -
Automatically change Work Order Status when Emailed
Automatically change the status of a Work Order statues to "In progress" when emailed.
7 votes -
Duplicate Work Orders
I would like to be able to duplicate work orders like we can duplicate estimates. This will allow me to take a work order that our sales rep creates and duplicate it and edit it without loosing the original.
19 votes -
abliltiy to attach photos to work orders
On other systems I have been able to attach photos to work orders for our technicians. They don't always have access to the system and this is very useful. Is this something you can work on?
10 votes -
ability to attach pdf to work order
Would like to be able to attach pdf's to Work Orders (currently can only attach photos). I have to either retype the entire scope into the work order or follow up every Work Order with an email attaching the scope. Sad face for the double work.
23 votes
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