Job Profit Calculation (Job Costing) - Estimate vs. Actual
Once all said and done, It would be nice to get a profit calculated for the Job. The 'Budget" has some nice features that could accomplish some of these things but would need to expanded. Some of the things to include
1) Material cost
2) Labor Cost (per employee) Cost vary
3) a)Original price Line for projject
b) Added/Subtracted Change orders as line items
c) Total Job Price
4) More choices, teirs to calculate the commission
5) Able to print out as well as save per job

This is now available with Profit Tracker
Justin Bookman commented
Thanks @Courtland!
Richelle Brown commented
I don't understand why Budgets seem to be the one area of JN that are set up completely different from every other functionality of JN (like Estimates, MO, WO, etc) on all other areas you can see what was actually changed in the system activity, you can have multiple templates, you can see a pdf of the document, etc.
Budgets are literally one of the most important documents relating to profitability of the job and the salesman's commissions and it is the one area that can be changed with NO audit trail of what was changed. -
Jonathan commented
Yes. Crew pay varies by subcontractor. Would be great to be able to load a template that captures each unique crew's pay rates in a work order and have that tie into the financials of job costing
Buddy commented
This function would definitely be helpful for both operations and sales. Please add us
Harvey Haynam commented
Would love for the budget function to be able to provide the Estimated Cost vs the Actual Job Cost on the same screen with additional columns showing percentage change and actual dollar differences for each line item.
Justin Bookman commented
Add us to the list of companies who would love this feature. Something to measure estimated vs actual costs.
Leighton Ross commented
This is SO necessary! We aren't really using the cost feature to it's full potential bc it would display detailed estimates of costs to any employee that uses estimates OR that can view estimates. However, if we were able to hide costs as a function of Access Roles, then we could apply our true cost estimates to each p/s line item. However, in budgets you really need to be able to see the impact of Estimated vs. Actual Costs, and evaluate performance based on the total amount charged to the customer. WHICH MEANS YOU MAY NEED TO COMBINE INVOICES FOR THE BUDGET TO WORK PROPERLY!!! We have to make change orders all the time, and only being able to pull data from one invoice at a time makes it a bit more time consuming.
Kaloni Pedigo commented
We would like to adjust our budget columns to allow more detailed data for us to see reporting per job.
We'd like them to be set up similar to Crystal Reports where we can have multiple lines for each trade, so "roofing" would have 2 columns, one for what we are charging, and one for our cost. Then "gutters" has the same 2 lines, o ne for what we charge, and one for our cost.
Then we'd like totals for both columns, to see our total cost and total charge so we can track more in depth what our profit margins are per trade. -
Alma Camacho commented
We were looking at other options for similar softwares like Builder Trend due to the inability to track and have reports on invoices and change orders. Having somewhere to be able to input invoices that we receive for materials and being able to use a "budget" or the price we sell a job for and being able to track expenses like labor, materials and overhead costs and have that be updated as we input expenses or the opposite if there is a change order and our work scope gets increased would be extremely helpful and would make us remain with Job Nimbus long-term.
Breelyn Cardon commented
The ability to choose income accounts for products and services when syncing with QBO.
Scott Fields commented
Job Profit Calculation (Job Costing) - Estimate vs. Actual
I am an electrical contractor and its very time consuming to go through and manually edit the job budget info from the estimate vs the actual cost to determine the real NP per job per assignee. I see where this has been brought up several times of the last 6 years. what is the status of the feature being intergrated to the software. JN has a great platform, however: this component is extermely critical to evaluating job performance and bonus. It doesnt make sense to have all the features that JN has incorporated and skip this vital component. Please follow up, or advise of there is a bolt on that can be intergrated into the platform. Thank you -
Chris McCourt commented
New user here. Just signed up for JN. I've looked back at some older posts going back to 2017. It concerns me to see that there is no place to input actual costs and get a true budget vs actuals. It does not need to be a sync to QBs feature and risk potential issues with data. We just need a section where we can add the rolling actuals as they come in. Everything for proper cost accounting is in the software except actuals. Invoices, budgets, estimates. Why not actuals? I created a custom field on the Job info card to capture this, but its a workaround for something that feels like it should exist in the structure provided already.
Erica Carmona commented
It would be great to have an option for to do a projected budget vs an actual budget. This would allow you to create a projected budget with numbers you think you would need for a job. This way I don't have to make sure to go back in and change the numbers once job is being finalized. It can be confusing, if we're putting projected cost vs actual costs.
Gordon TidyDeck commented
I think if you have it synced with qb it can be done there
Lisa Henninger commented
The ability to have more than one budget. One for the projected cost of a job that would not effect reports and the actual budget.
a location to upload receipt separate from other documents
Lisa Henninger commented
Have a projected budget and an actual budget
Randy Feldhaus commented
Really important to easily track actual costs versus budget. Need to see how accurate estimates are and what actual profits are.
Danielle Herrera commented
<p>Have a tab to record all costs on the job </p>
Sherry Fisher commented
THIS is very important to our business. Currently I can add job costs under the budget section, but it requires multiple clicks to see the information and does not allow me to get a true profit for the job automatically, I have to do all of the math.