Custom Fields based on Workflow Type (Contact, Job, WO)
Custom fields should be linked to the contact type (the same should apply to job type, and WO Templates as well). This way we can have custom fields based on the contact type we are using. Instead of fields that aren't applicable to the contact type.

We love this idea.
Collin Robertson commented
It would be more useful to have custom fields assigned by workflow rather than by Job, Contact, Work Order, etc. We have multiple workflows of Contacts, Jobs, or Work Orders, but each workflow only requires certain fields. Currently all custom fields are displayed on a Job, Contact, Work Order, etc. regardless of the workflow, which makes the list much more extensive and confusing than it needs to be with a lot of unused fields sometimes. Its not easy to determine which fields apply to the specific Job workflow when we have custom fields for every kind of Job workflow displayed as opposed to only those fields relevant to that Job workflow. It also makes the "required" field option much less useful when certain workflows require certain fields while others require other fields. Currently we don't have the option to choose for which workflow a certain field could be required as by selecting a field to be required makes it required regardless the workflow which makes it nearly useless as it can not be selected if even one workflow shouldn't require that field.
Perhaps this new feature could be easily added in the settings by clicking on the Fields tab (Job, Work Order, Contact, etc.) then instead of all fields being displayed, the workflows names are displayed. We'd click the specific workflow to see the custom fields already assigned with the option to add a custom field for that workflow. A 'duplicate' option would be helpful for creating multiple workflows with mostly similar fields that could be added to or deleted from.
shaun.fabro commented
Is this still in the roadmap? I would love to see the ability to arrange fields in the Job/Contact views, and group fields into sections. Right now we are holding back on the amount of information we are capturing simply because of how cluttered the data looks.
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Jeremiah Berndt commented
Please make this feature. I just want to hide 70% of our contact fields. We enter a lot of contacts...
Leslie Cox commented
Yes! I added a ton of my own fields with claim number etc but don't need all of those fields for all types of jobs.
Jennifer Nieto commented
We have several different types of Jobs: Sales, Service, Parts. Each one of those types of jobs have different fields of information that are necessary. Not all fields pertain to all job types. It would be nice to be able to create job fields that are linked to that TYPE of job. Sales would have order #, manufacturer, ETA, etc... Service would have: Original order number, Service request #, warranty type, etc... Right now we have all fields all the time and makes it difficult to sort through the data entry for job type.
Camille commented
Add ability to have organizations such as HOAs as their own category rather than having them as a contact with multiple units as multiple jobs.
Eva Anderson commented
Is this still on the "planned" list? Note is from 2014...?
Nadia Chavez commented
Our company's custom contact types are:
Customer (default), Builder, Remodeler, Subcontractor, Vendor, Vendor Inside Rep, Admin, etc.We built custom job workflows for the jobs under each contact type.
We need different custom fields for each type. Currently, JN does not offer that.
Billing Administrator commented
I second this motion. I understand allowing the alteration of 'Native' Fields, could affect integrations like naturalForms, whose mapping relies on the Field Identifier Name matching. But perhaps in regards to that issue, leaving the Field Identifier hidden in your database and static, but allowing the Display Name of that field to be altered at the user level.
In regards to higher level customization of the contact data hierarchy in general I've put together an illustration here for reference it some ability I'd like to see. I think there is a lot of white space that could be used more efficiently if you had a way to just make the contact level data header and tabs more open to the user to manipulate.
Ross Alt commented
... and allow more fields!!!
Anonymous commented
Sadly Brandon, I really feel it doesn't and is the biggest flaw of Job Nimbus. I don't know if they employ developers anymore or just salesmen and phone support as if you look around on here, there is plenty that goes untouched or unanswered for years.. Frustrating.
Brandon Byrd commented
2020 and this is still "Planned" Does this forum ever get looked at?
Brandon Byrd commented
I suggested this years ago! I called multiple times as well. Everyone agrees that it is a great idea, but JN seems to only be focusing on visual updates at the moment instead of improvements!
Eric Broome commented
Brandon Byrd commented
Any update on this? 3 Years since the last post! Please push this through! @jobnimbus
Alissa VanderVeen commented
This would be extremely helpful to us as well!!
Sammy Jo Lee commented
Desperately need this! Please make this happen @JobNimbus
Gordon TidyDeck commented
I was going to suggest this! Absolutely. Job Nimbus needs to do this and also subtitles for the layout.
Jennifer Tucker commented
I would LOVE to be able to edit the pre-existing Contact fields. It's great that I can add my own, but I want to change "Main Phone" to "Home Phone" and a few other minor things. That would really make it much easier for us to start migrating the rest of our company from our current CRM to JobNimbus!