Create a map that would display all customers and jobs, which would be differentiated by each sales rep
We distribute leads based on where the sales reps have been working.
It would be great to have a map where we can put in an address (the new lead) and it will show the location among pinpoints that represent all "contacts" and "jobs"- which would vary in color based on the sales rep (or instead of different colors, click on or drag mouse over pins to see who the sales rep is for the surrounding pins)

Leslie Cox commented
This would be so helpful for planning purposes on so many different levels from sales to production to inspections etc.
Armani Basurto commented
It would be very useful when adding contacts into the system and determining which sales rep to assign them to. If we could pull up the "Mapping" feature that would show ALL leads/jobs in the system, so we can assign it to the rep working that area. On the mobile app, the map feature shows all jobs/leads as described above, but once you put an address in, they all disappear and it only focuses on that address.
Welch commented
Sync contacts to Google Maps so we can map out our contacts rather than using the app.
Caylee Frost commented
Calendar task to be on a map so individuals can route themselves
Wes Zitnay commented
Something like a Mapmycustomer integration that would allow you to see areas where jobs are selling and areas, where things fall flat so advertising and efforts can be targeted, would be great.
Honor Prouty commented
Have a mapping option to map ALL jobs on the desktop (not mobile). It would be helpful to see areas that have NOT been covered as well as being able to see where more jobs have been performed.
Dustin Pitney commented
A feature I loved as a sales rep in Acculynx was the ability to select multiple jobs and have it create a pin map of the addresses on one map. This allowed me to set my route for the next day making it so I could more easily hit 10+ inspections in a day with the most efficient route!
Dylan Reddell commented
Given the fact a HailTrace integration already exists, allow users who have that integration active to view the HailTrace Map with customer pin data synced, but from within JN, rather than having to go to HailTrace. Or if that is too complex to easily build-in, then for JN users who also use HailTrace install a Hyperlink button to take the user to HailTrace in 1 click to view all JN Contacts in the HailTrace map view.Maybe even negotiate with HailTrace to allow this for non-paying users of HT, merely to take advantage of the integration that already exists. They wouldn't be able to see the Hail/Wind Map overlays of course, unless they became a paying member. However, you could use the skeleton of an integration that already exists to overcome this issue which currently has 112 votes, at the same time pushing users into HailTrace domain for potential signups once they play around in HailTrace a little bit.
Annie White commented
I am in total agreement with the others that a map feature is a "must" in sales. Especially when we are planning the routes for the installation of our products.
Michael Pickel commented
This would essentially eliminate the need for apps like SPOTIO. This would be an incredible feature to use as an all in one platform in lieu of multiple apps.
Anonymous commented
My sales reps/business development reps use BadgerMapping. This gives you filter client types, status', how long you have last visited them, etc...they are always ever improving their software, you should really try to see if you could try to integrate your API with theirs.
Joel Roofing commented
You guys want to kill it in this industry? Then you need to have an overall map of where each job location is. This way we can track the areas of each of our sales reps, assign referrals and leads to our sales rep who's working the area. Now, then be able to upload storm damage maps and OVERLAY all the projects and data base in the storm damage area to send alerts from the SALES reps for repeat business. No one has that, and if you can do this you would dominate the CRM market for roofing.
Edward Demas commented
So you are saying in order to map our existing and past clients on a single map we will need to pay for an additional 3rd party service? .. The purpose of this feature would be to give potential clients a list of the closest references / completed projects.
William Kennedy commented
I believe what many JobNimbus users are commenting on would be the customer database AFTER using companies like Sales Rabbit, Spotio, etc. For example, I have and use Spotio to map my leads for my salespeople. Once they are customers, however, they are removed from the map to eliminate confusion. I also have customers who are added manually (not through Spotio) to JobNimbus. These customers are not tracked on any map.
It would be great if there was a way to map ALL JobNimbus accounts (customers) and be able to separate them under a variety of different methods (ie. work orders, jobs, customer type, estimates, etc.). It often helps to SEE all the customers and locate regions that may be lacking in sales based on a map.
Anonymous commented
Please add this feature. I want to add to the request, as well as summarize it a little better. Switch to Google Maps and add the ability to show customers on a map with pins. But also add the ability to view the map in real time and use GPS to determine where on the map you are, then by clicking a house on google maps within the app, you have the ability to instantly add a pin and customer to that address, and enter all the information for the customer while you are there. This will allow salesman to canvass neighborhoods and pin homeowners as "Lead", "Not home", "Not Interested", "Signed Customer"...etc. You should be able to choose whether a pin would be shown in the contact list or not. I.E - I can add a pin on the map as "Not Home", but obviously I wouldn't want a pin like that to show up in the contacts list. But this would allow an entire team of salesman and canvassers to view a map and know what homes have been knocked and what homes are leads or customers already. This would be a huge plus and make JobNimbus one of the best CRMs out there. Much needed.
Corin Roberts commented
This is a great idea. Would love to see it implemented. I also agree with ditching mapquest & switching to google maps. Haven't used mapquest in like 10 years.
Timothy Gilliam commented
Google Maps has a some of this capability in that you can pin multiple points on a map. If it would tell give a color code or say a name / label upon hovering, that would be awesome.
Anonymous commented
Yeah if I could go ahead an NOT pay $400/mo for a map that has pins for my salesman, that'd be great. SalesRabbit is cool and all but it has nowhere near the capability of JobNimbus and its twice as expensive.
we would love to see this tool! ASAP
Kerry McIntyre commented
@Guru, @JobNimbus
If you look at services like Spotio and InteractiveHailMaps, they have the ability to drop a pin. Spotio allows us to upload 10,000 addresses per month and tada we have pins which we can change colors based on status. The idea above is easy to see if you see these two services. Where it would apply to JobNimbus is that we have contacts on JobNimbus and would like to see a map (our contacts or jobs are automatically pinned/colored based on say Job Status or Contact Status, if you will) showing our pins by color indicating status etc.
Of course, if you offered an open API we could build that functionality asap. :)