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38 results found

  1. Add hyperlinks to Custom Job fields

    Add hyperlinks to custom Job fields to link outside website or sharing directly into the customer information.

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  2. Add additional phone numbers to Job

    We do quite a bit of work for property management companies. We have the contact information for the property manager in the contact, but when we enter individual jobs we enter the tenant contact information, there is no ability to "click to call" the tenant's phone number, so we end up having to manually enter the phone numbers.

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  3. Add Phone & Email as Contact/Job Field Types

    The phone field should have the same () _-______ x_____ layout that JN's built in phone field has to create standardization of incoming data, and both should be hyperlinked.

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  4. Dropdown Boxes / Toggles / Checklist options for material Orders & Work Orders

    Have material order and workorders have more customization (like the forms that we saw at JNSS21), I would love my work orders to have the ability to have a Yes/No checkbox and drop down box options, would save on multiple templates being created.

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  5. 14 votes

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  6. Conditionally Required Custom Fields

    I would like to have custom fields that are only required to be populated before moving the record into specific statuses or stages.

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  7. Do not display unused fields when printing Contact

    I only want to print contact Info and all of the fields' headings appear even when I uncheck the job and tasks and attachments.

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  8. Have multiple Sales Reps linked to a Contact/Job record

    Sometimes there will be split deals where there are multiple Sales Reps for one job. Currently, only one Sales Rep can be linked to a Contact or Job.

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  9. Conditional Field for Contacts and Jobs

    The Job and Contact pages can be too long, especially with custom fields. It would be great to have conditional fields that only show based on previous selections.

    Example: If there is an Insurance Company listed, show insurance fields. If there is no Insurance Company listed hide insurance fields.

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  10. Customize "Sales Rep" Field Name

    The ability to customize and change the field name "Sales Rep" to "Solar Consultant"

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  11. Referral Name Textbox for Lead Sources

    I would like the lead source option "Other" to give sales reps a field to enter a name. Currently I have a custom field for "Referral Name," but I have to run two separate reports (built-in and custom) to get a detailed view of my lead sources.

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  12. Option to make Built-In Fields Required/Mandatory (e.g. Lead Source)

    Really need to be able to require specific fields in the contact & job information, ESPECIALLY lead source.

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  13. Increase Custom Field Option List Capacity

    I need more than 35 text and options list in Custom Fields. I have important information that needs to be conveyed to everyone. Preferably I should have unlimited text and options lists.

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    Thanks for your submission! Could you let us know a couple of examples of info that you’d like to enter here but can’t fully because of the current limit? Also, if you could provide an estimate of how many fields, besides unlimited :), would meet your needs?

    Let us know and we’ll see what we can do. Thanks!

  14. Custom Fields based on Workflow Type (Contact, Job, WO)

    Custom fields should be linked to the contact type (the same should apply to job type, and WO Templates as well). This way we can have custom fields based on the contact type we are using. Instead of fields that aren't applicable to the contact type.

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  15. Multi-Select Dropdown Option Field Type

    I love the new "Option" Field in JN, however, I would like to see another field or an option when creating this field to allow users to select as many as they want from the dropdown.

    My current work around is to create two or more separate Option fields. It is a little overwhelming though how long the "Edit Job" or "Edit Contact" screen appears when you have so many fields added to it, especially when it could be condensed by allowing this suggestion of a "Check all that apply" type field to be added.

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  16. Second "primary contact" on the contact with additional phone number and email fields

    Second owner on the contact with additional phone number and email fields

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  17. Other Email, Phone, and Address Fields (e.g. billing) for Contacts

    Add more fields for additional phone, email, and physical addresses for contacts.

    I would like to have the ability to enter contacts home as well as their business addresses and emails. It could be a second contact address rather than marked as as a home address, This would mean for employees for instance you can write to them at their home address or have a second email address for a contact. This save having to set up two contacts for the same person and the confusion this causes.

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  18. Phone Number Field in Jobs

    When creating a jobs I would like a area to enter the persons phone number so it can appear on the top of the page when I am looking at the job. I don't want to click on contact to pull up a number.

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    Good news!  We are planning to improve this functionality in an upcoming release.  Phone numbers (and other contact information) from the related Contacts will be displayed prominently on the Job view screen.  This will mean you no longer have to click into the Contact from the Job to find the phone number or email address.

    We expect this update to release in the next 30 days.

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