292 results found
Ability to duplicate estimates and save under a different job
It should be a no brainier but it's impossible! I have multiple jobs that I need to create a similar estimate for. I don't want to create an estimate template. I just want to duplicate the estimate and assign to a different job.
15 votes -
Print or Export Budgets
I think this may be my third time posting about this. I'm just confused as to why this doesn't exist when the feature is already present in Job Nimbus.
Budgets, currently as they stand, have no ability to be Printed or to be exported as a CSV (The Budget Report that would only show you the Totals and Profit of each budget is not an answer to this.)
Every other Financial Document (Invoice, Credit Memo, Material Order, Estimate) can all be printed out in PDF format, but Budgets do not have this feature. But personally I would prefer it if…
27 votes -
Use multiple templates in one estimate
We have very detailed and exhaustive estimate templates built that save us a lot of time creating our estimates. However, sometimes we want to create a separate section in the estimate for a different type of work, etc. It would be great if we could load another template in under that section heading, but as it is now, we just have to build it line by line from that point on.
29 votes -
Ability to add signature line to estimate template (with page breaks!)
We send out a LOT of estimates every year, so it would be extremely cumbersome to generate a new document each time someone approves an estimate in order to create a contract. Instead, we add our contract language to every proposal and have signature lines at the bottom. In most cases, this runs onto two or more pages so we include the estimate number for easy reference below the signature.
That said, we need the customers to be able to esign!! Can we please add this functionality to estimates? It would be extremely helpful to also add pagebreaks to help…
29 votes -
Create Material Order from portions of Estimate
I would like to be able to select individual line items on an estimate then create a Material Order from the selection. Currently you have to either create them all by hand or covert Estimate to a Material Order, then edit all the items not destined for a particular vendor. It's a real pain when you have multiple vendors to order from for a big estimate.
8 votes -
Master Markup function to adjust pricing for all items at once.
Today if we want to adjust our Profit Margin we have to click into every single item and adjust thousands of Markup percentages. It would be great to be able to adjust the entire catalog uniformly with one master entry.
15 votes -
17 votes
Invoice Term: "Due Upon Completion" and/or "TBD" and/or "Net##" Without a Specific Date
We register a deposit from the customer, the customer wants a receipt, there is no way to email a payment confirmation right? We have to email an Invoice, correct? Well the Invoice only allows for a specific date as the due date, or "Due Upon Receipt (of the Invoice)". We don't know when the actual install is going to happen, so we need "Due Upon Completion" and/or "TBD" and/or "Net##" Without a Specific Date.
13 votes -
Multiple Budget Templates
Would like to have multiple budget templates available. This should be an easy thing to code and will allow us to have different people on different compensation models.
17 votes -
More customizable Templates
I would like to be able to build a static template for our site visits that would populate from JN. I would like to be able to format it similar to the estimate form (with the different text boxes), but I can't manipulate all those areas and when I try to build a 'Document Template, there is no way to create those text boxes like the ones in the estimate template. it's frustrating because it's a simple word feature under the Developer tab, but I have to pay some other app to be able to do it here in JN.…
17 votes -
Make Estimates have exact same Invoice/ Work Order/ Material Order Number
Make it a sticky feature, that whatever estimate number is generated it claims the ability to use the same Invoice/Work Order/ Material Order Number automatically
3 votes -
abliltiy to attach photos to work orders
On other systems I have been able to attach photos to work orders for our technicians. They don't always have access to the system and this is very useful. Is this something you can work on?
10 votes -
Page Breaks for template
The ability to insert a page break into a template. We have several templates that require a break. My boss is extremely frustrated.
23 votesWhich templates are you wanting to add a page break to?
On certain forms, like an estimate, it seems like the page breaks would need to be conditional based on the number of line items, which would be quite tricky.
Aaron -
Custom Estimate Fields
You have custom work order fields and custom invoice fields but not custom estimate fields. It would be great to have them available on the estimate and then be able to have the option to carry that info to the work order and then to the invoice. There are things that you need to capture on an estimate and be able make them mandatory. It isn't practical to use the custom contact or custom job fields to enter the info because the info may not be known at the time of entering the contact and job info. In the gutter…
9 votes -
the ability to modify column size on estimate and invoice templates
Currently, lots of space is wasted on estimate forms because you cannot modify the item column. It takes up too much space; making an otherwise one page estimate into a two page estimate. I don't like it.
6 votes -
Ability to combine several templates on to one estimate.
Ability to combine several templates on to one estimate.
7 votes -
the ability to copy existing saved estimate and work order templates.
Creating a new template is pretty easy. That said, we have created some fairly complex templates and would like to build new templates off those that have been saved rather than starting from scratch. Basically, we need a 'save as' option when we edit an existing saved template.
8 votes -
Quicker Estimates Tax Selecting
An easier or quicker way to enter/select the tax city/amount? On a large quote, you have to click the drop down, then scroll down and select the city. possibly allow it to automatically populate with the same as all others and if you don't want a tax amount, allow just a section option within each estimate. Just possible suggestions.
7 votes -
ability to attach pdf to work order
Would like to be able to attach pdf's to Work Orders (currently can only attach photos). I have to either retype the entire scope into the work order or follow up every Work Order with an email attaching the scope. Sad face for the double work.
23 votes -
A commission sheet that i can print off for salesman
I really wish there was a section where I could print off a commission sheet for salesman. Right now I am building one in the budget form for them and then printing it. There is not a print button in this section and it makes it very difficult. We would also like the option of net profit.
72 votesThis is interesting idea! I’ll talk to our team and see if we can do this.
Thanks for the feedback.
- Don't see your idea?