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Dashboard & Reports

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111 results found

  1. Thread in Notes

    In Notes;

    It'd be great to have a thread or comment feature to a post to continue the subject, or comment to the note, so we can keep one subject in one thread to keep it going.

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  2. Dashboards for KPIs - Sales

    It is hard to explain because JobNimbus uses the "term" differently then I am accustomed to. But I will give it a shot.

    I would like to see the ability to build KPI dashboards. Much like the graph that is displayed in the "jobs" or "sales" built in report. But being able to edit them.

    Currently we are having to look into a company like geckoboard for KPI display in our sales office because we cannot customize reports in a displayable manner.

    See attached picture. Having this function would be really great!

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  3. Reports on Products & Services

    When evaluating products & services it is important to review the numbers on which products/services were successful or not. Can we please have reports that allow us to search based on Item names/descriptions?

    For example: We frequently have customers call and ask for examples of our work. It would be great if we can search all completed jobs/work orders for a specific item that ties into what they are interested in doing.

    Alternatively, we can see what products are being sold most often and which items may not be worth our while to continue offering.


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  4. Scheduled and emailed reports

    For example you can create a report and have it run and emailed to a desired email every Friday

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  5. Report/List for @mentions

    I want to make a report that shows the places where I am tagged in the @name option for a note.

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  6. Lead Source Report - Revenue Drilldown

    I would love to have the ability to show revenue from a lead source. We have many lead sources and I would like to track that information for referrals as well as to see which lead sources are the most valuable.

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  7. Duplicate Report/Save Report As

    Ability to take a custom report and save as or duplicate, that way if you want a similar report with some of the same filters and columns you can easily make it without having to create a report from scratch.

    Replicate a report or copy report.

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  8. Sales Reports

    Reporting of current sales based on invoices that includes use of graphs or bar charts. I have a way of doing this by manually going through JobNimbus and pulling invoices every week and then entering them into Excel, but it is a VERY manual process and is costing a ton of time and money. If we had the reports in Job Nimbus it would be amazing.

    The alternative is to add a filter in the current report option to filter by date of last payment entry. This would allow me to run the report and then export to excel to…

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  9. 26 votes

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  10. Ability to run Report on all jobs and how long they stayed in a certain status

    For example: We want to know on average how long jobs are staying in QC Inspection status.

    Right now, I can report on the jobs specifically in that status, but I want a way for even if they are not in the status currently.

    Basically the length of time between status changes. (Which I know you can see when you go into a job's system activity - but I want to run a report on this).

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  11. Sales rep performance reports

    It would be nice to be able to create a report for Sales reps that showed certain performance metrics such as YTD Revenue, Total number of sales, Leads run, close rate, Average revenue, Gross profit, ect..

    As of now I have to create a bunch of different reports for each them put them all together and figure it out. Or create a report that shows everyone, then filter it down each time.

    Also, when I create such a report for a rep, it would be nice if I could duplicate that report for another rep. I create reports for each…

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  12. Choose between Invoice data and Estimate data on Sales Dashboard

    We'd like data on the Sales Dashboard to come from the total of the invoice rather than the estimate, because the two are rarely the same and we can glean much more useful and actionable business intelligence from the former.

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  13. print report

    it seems crazy to me that JN has sch a robust report builder but they can not be printed. a few years ago, support told me that the world is going paperless. that is just not true. The ability to print reports is a weekly if not daily need. opening in excel sort of works but is super clunky and time consuming to format. I will also add that yes, some times, being able to move to excel is needed. Just not usually.

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  14. More Bulk Edit Options for Reporting

    Would like to bulk edit any type of information for a custom report. I.E., if doing a custom contact report. All of the fields that do not make a customer unique should be bulk editable. Currently you can edit the assignee, sales rep, status, and type of contact. But you can't edit bulk edit things like the location or the lead source.

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  15. Merge Reports - Estimates and Invoices

    Would love to see the following improved with reports...
    - Ability to report on estimates and invoices together (currently I need to run them separately then do a vlookup to link)

    -Include additional customer level data on the estimate/invoice reporting, particularly customer status.

    -Exporting - any numbers are exported as text fields, and if it's a currency field, it also exports the dollar sign. Which means I need to remove all the $ signs and convert each into a number so I can sum the numbers.


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    Would you be able to submit these as individual requests? Let’s use the first one for this (I’ll update this ticket after you submit the other two) and do individual requests for the other two. That will help us gauge and engage each individually.

    Thank you!

  16. Lead Time Reporting

    I would like to be able to generate a report that tracks the amount of time it takes for a contact/job to go thru a Workflow from Lead to Paid and Closed. That will allow us to track how quickly we can complete a job.

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  17. Ability to Download all photos/documents without having to download per contact/job.

    Is there any kind of script the developers can run to generate all documents and images and put them in a folder to be download where I can http or ftp them.

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  18. Commissions/Budget Report (Needs Column Customization Options)

    I need the option to create a commissions report with options to customize columns, as I would with a contact report.

    Currently, on the "commission" or "budget" reports, it does not allow me to add custom field options to identify who the lead setter was who sold the job and who the sales rep was that sold it. Additionally, the commissions report is lacking the back end calculation that the budget does as well.

    We would like to streamline this process so that we can avoid human error.

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  19. More customization on Dashboard View

    User would like more options to customize the dashboard. Currently, he can choose what features of the dashboard are visible, however, he cannot control how they are displayed. User would like a simple feature, such as being able to sort his tasks on the dashboard with the newest tasks on top. User is aware that he could use a custom report but does not want to lose the ability to check off tasks from the dashboard.

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  20. Most Recent Note column in Reports

    At present, reports can include Most Recent Invoice, Estimate, etc. Can you please most recent Note as a column? It would help to create a report that we can see most recent note in activity.

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