Contacts & Jobs
238 results found
Relate jobs, not just contacts
We work with builders (contacts) and each project is broken down into subcategories of job type because the commission for each job is different. We relate our builder contact to our jobs but we are unable to relate the sub-categories of jobs together. We want to be able to keep all the information of the overall project in one place rather than trying to sift through the innumerable jobs connected to our 'builder' contact.
7 votes -
move between contacts on the board without going back to the board
Have the ability to scroll through contacts on the board without having to go back to the board. Something similar to the "next" button or "previous" button on Craigslist or Google photos. So if I am on the leads board and in a contact I can go to the next contact on that board without having to go back out to the board.
7 votes -
Days since last contact
It would be very advantageous to have a Days Since Last Contact displayed on a job. That way any sales manager does not need to go into a job to look for the last email, text, or call made. It could simply be displayed on the job card or below the days in status stat. Having something stay in a status for a longer period of time is ok as long as a sales person is staying in touch with the homeowner or business owner. But right now I can't really track that stat and can't find a good way…
7 votes -
Ability to rearrange or move the tabs under a Job/Contact
I would like the ability to rearrange the tabs under Jobs/Contacts. The first tab that you see is Activity as a default, but I want to see Job Tasks first. If we could move all of the tabs around to be in order of importance for us, that would be great.
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Set appointment reminders in calendar
The current calendar does not allow setting appointment reminders even thought it merges with Google Calendar. Being able to set reminders 30 min, 1 hour, 2 hours, 1 day, etc before a meeting is important.
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Required Field When Moving a Job to Lost
When changing the status of a job to Lost, I would like a way to require it to give a reason why from a predetermined drop-down list.
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Add secondary name fields under contact
Include a secondary contact name field when creating new contacts. Instead of creating a new related contact.
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Schedule by area
Ability to schedule jobs in a given area to streamline appointments
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Auto Create Jobs
When a Contact reaches a certain stage , say verbal agreement, allow for JN to auto create Job Object. Other CRMs have this with their respective objects. Would help office staff.
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Custom field that can be used as a web link
Custom field that can be used as a web link to a 3rd party source. Our instance is linking to a project's property appraiser's details on their website. But I see this being used with potential links for other things like videos, real estate listings, and/or maps or survey websites.
I would see it being deployed as the fields name, and a blue link just to the right that says " [ Link ]"
6 votes -
Limited access on contacts
We have third party departments who work within our CRM, however we are only wanting them to see contact information not edit or delete it. There should be an option on the access profile permissions to only allow them to see contacts, upload documents/photos, add notes without being able to change the status or edit the contact information. It would be even more helpful if they were able to add dates/input information in the customized contact fields without changing the standard contact fields (like name,address,phone number)
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Automatically create a board when a new workflow is made
When we create a workflow we would like the option for a board to be automatically created.
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Remove/Change the "Assigned Default" when creating the Job/Contact
Have the option to remove or change the "assigned default" name when creating a contact. Right now when I create a Contact it defaults me as the assigned person.
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Turn off drop downs/pop ups in new contacts
When I am creating a NEW customer the drop downs/pop ups get in the way. Nothing I have entered before apply to NEW customers. We just got 300+ calls in a week and that slowed us down so much. When adding additional contacts I use duplicate and make changes. This works great. We tried turning off pop ups in web browser but that did not change the long pop up/drop down that gets in the way when you start to type a name or address or email.
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Custom Field Filters on Boards.
The ability to filter boards based on custom fields.
6 votes -
Map that shows previous job locations
Add a map feature to JobNimbus that shows location data points for previous completed jobs.
6 votesWould it also be beneficial to see current jobs/tasks? Others have submitted ideas for that and I am wondering if there is just a filter that would allow you to determine if you want to look at old jobs or current jobs.
Enable entry of customers with the same name and not have to modify
We live in an area where many people have the same name. This creates a lot of difficulty for us when creating a new contact. We have to modify and it causes reporting issues for us. It would be great to have an "override" button for these customers.
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Conditionally Required Custom Fields
I would like to have custom fields that are only required to be populated before moving the record into specific statuses or stages.
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Do not display unused fields when printing Contact
I only want to print contact Info and all of the fields' headings appear even when I uncheck the job and tasks and attachments.
6 votes -
The ability to show job/contact description on the board
A way to view the description of a job/contact on the board view.
6 votes
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